Tuesday, April 1, 2008

AM Class One Progress Reel

Hey Everybody... things are fabulous for me... and I hope that they are fabulous for you too!
So I have recently finished up class one at AM... as you may have noticed with the posting of many of AM'ers recently to YouTube and the like.

So this posting is all about Progress... I recently, just this past weekend on my break from AM, have gone through a lot of my old photographs and videos, etc.... and I came upon Gold, pure Gold!!! I found some of my old animations that I had done when I was at SCAD... and they are soooo crappy.... it's just some amazing fun!!! I totally wouldn't want to post this stuff normally... but ... it will give all y'all out there a great comparison... and let you know just how great AM really is... and remember... this is only with the completion of class one for me :D

I did get a very small bit, I'm talking small amount here... better by the time that I left SCAD. My reel ended up looking better than this playblast because I learned a little about modeling and lighting... and I know enough about composition and editing to hide my mistakes... at least some of them *grin*... so here again was my final reel from SCAD...

And now... what you've been waiting for.... my reel from AM!!!

Now as a disclaimer... of course there are mistakes,

(and of course YouTube adds in it's own new mistakes...I've noticed this a lot with the bouncing ball assignments... often it will look like the animators never let the ball hit the ground in some spots... but it's just bad YouTube... I think that by the end of time at AM I will figure out how to post better quality video to my own site... for sure!!! But I guess that YouTube will do for now...)

And of course these samples have not been lit, or rendered... they are just a string of playblasts linked together...nothing fancy... but the animation itself... tons better... tons better *grin*

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