Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Reading Up on Animation!

So I have decided to get a jump on things and read these two books that AnimationMentor.com will be requiring that I read starting in January.

Actually I've had the books already but never had the time to really sit down and read them. I've used "The Animator's Survival Kit" as a reference book before, but I'll definitely be getting more out of it now that I can sit down and really absorb the material.

I haven't really been planning on posting a lot of stuff until classes start in January. Although I am now pondering posting comments based on my reading. It would be a good way for me to review the material... and I've got some notes in Googles Notebook that I've set aside for reading up before January also.

I read my first 10 pages from my book reading schedule last night... :))
10 pages a night of books and at least 2 of my saved internet notes a week... and I'll be ready for January classes!

Cheers! and Good Luck with Life! Till the next post...


1 comment:

binzer said...

Wow, good time management! You're gonna do very well when you do start AM! Honestly I had a hard time stopping myself from reading the Illusion of Life when I really got into it, and you may find the same :)

Anyways, AM is soooo cool, and everyone is so positive and everything just seems completely fantastic so far, so I can't wait for you to start! I'll let you know how it goes once I've actually done some real work :)


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